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Cleachdaiche:Kibi78704/earr-ràdhan/Faclairean Nàdair/Éisg

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Éisg - Fish


Faic cuideachd - Also see

Dà-nòmach Gàidhlig Iomraidhean Iolra Notes Beurla Seòrsa
Abramis brama roisteach Dwelly roach (rutilus rutilus).
2 bream (abramis brama)
Abramis bràsair AFB common bream
freshwater bream
bronze bream
Abramis briantadh AFB common bream
freshwater bream
bronze bream
Abramis carbhanach AFB common bream
freshwater bream
bronze bream
Abramis carbhanach-uisge AFB common bream
freshwater bream
bronze bream
Acipenser sturio stire-choitcheann AFB European sea sturgeon
Acipenseridae bradan-bacach AFB sturgeon
Acipenseridae bradan-ceàrr AFB sturgeon
Acipenseridae bradan-sligeach AFB sturgeon
Acipenseridae stire AFB sturgeon
Acipenseridae stirean AFB sturgeon
Acipenseridae prioga-breac Dwelly sturgeon
Acipenseridae stirean Dwelly sturgeon
Agonus cataphractus poidsear-mara AFB pogge
armed bullhead
Alopias vulpinus buailtear Dwelly 3 (AF) thresher (fish)
Alosinae gabhar Dualchas2020.1.7 shad
Alosinae gabhar Dwelly 4 (AF) mackerel.
6 (AF) shad (fish)
Alosinae gòbhlachan Dwelly 4 shad (fish).
5 Young trout.
6 stickleback.
7 Large minnow.
8 mackerel
9 parr, samlet
Ammodytes dubius sgiollag Dwelly viper-fish. Supposed to be the male of the sand-eel or launce, {sandlance} (amodytes dubius). This little reptile comes to the shallow fords of Uist in myriads and is largely used as food.
Ammodytes dubius en:Ammodytes
Ammodytes marinus sanndag AFB sand eel
Ammodytes marinus sìol-gainmhich AFB Raitt's sand eel
lesser sand eel
Ammodytes marinus sachasan Dwelly sand-eel
lesser launce
Ammodytes nathair-thràghad Dwelly Small sand-fish or eel (ammodytes).
2 Shore- or sea-serpent
Ammodytidae claidheamhag AFB sand eel
Ammodytidae easgann-gaineimh AFB sand eel
Ammodytidae easgann-gainmhich AFB sand eel
Ammodytidae gioban AFB sand eel
Ammodytidae nathair-thràgha AFB sand lance
Ammodytidae sachsan AFB sand eel
Ammodytidae sanndag AFB sand eel
Ammodytidae sìolag AFB sand lance
Ammodytidae sìolan AFB sand eel
Ammodytidae sìol-gobach AFB sand eel
Ammodytidae sìolag Dualchas2020.1.7 sìolagan
Ammodytidae caran-creige Dwelly sand eel
conger eel.
2 (AF) shrimp
4 (AF) stickleback.
4 Only applied to the shoemaker fish in Lochalsh, Western Isles &c., and not to the conger-eel
Ammodytidae càrnag Dwelly sand-eel found under stones on seashore.
2 conger-eel — Lochalsh.
4 (AF) she-terrier
Ammodytidae ceannan-sìolag Dwelly sand eel
Ammodytidae sgiollag Dwelly minnow.
2 Small fish.
4 Sand eel
Ammodytidae sìol-ghobach Dwelly sand eel.
2 (DJM) pipefish
Anarhichadidae cat-mara AFB wolffish
Anarhichadidae faol-iasg AFB wolffish
Anarhichas denticulatus muircean AFB northern wolffish
rock turbot
Anarhichas lupus cat-mara a' Chuain Siar AFB Atlantic catfish
Anarhichas lupus cat-mhara Dwelly
Anguilla anguilla easgann Eòrpach Dualchas2020.1.7 easgannan Eòrpach European eel
Anguilla easgann-airgid AFB silver eel
Anguilla easgann-bhuidhe AFB yellow eel
Anguilliformes easg AFB eel
Anguilliformes easgaid AFB eel
Anguilliformes easgann AFB eel
Anguilliformes easgann-uillt AFB eel
Anguilliformes eisgeann AFB eel
Anguilliformes easgann Dualchas2020.1.7 easgannan eel
Anguilliformes cairbeil Dwelly eel
Anguilliformes caran-creige Dwelly sand eel
conger eel.
2 (AF) shrimp
4 (AF) stickleback.
4 Only applied to the shoemaker fish in Lochalsh, Western Isles &c., and not to the conger-eel
Anguilliformes easgann Dwelly eel
Anguilliformes gealag Dwelly sea-trout.
2 white trout.
4 salmon-trout.
4 whiting.
5* grilse.
7 white pike.
9 (AF) eel
Anguilliformes as-chù Dwelly 2 eel (anguilliformes).
4 Conger eel (congridae)
Antennariidae carrachan AFB unspecific term for a variety of stocky and squat fish (esp. frogfish (antennariidae family), sargassum
anglerfish (Histrio histrio) sea-devil (genus Lophius)
Barbus barbus breac-feusagach coitcheann AFB common barbel
Barbus breac-feusagach AFB barbel
Barbus gàilleach AFB barbel
Barbus mial-ghàilleach AFB barbel
Belone belone corra-maothar AFB garfish
sea needle
Belone belone corra-maothar Dwelly sea-pike (fish
Belonidae snàthad-mhara AFB needlefish
Belonidae brod-iasg Dwelly needle-fish.
2 swordfish
Belonidae snàthad-mhara Dwelly needlefish
Blenniiformes gròmag AFB
Blenniiformes gròmag Dualchas2020.1.7 gròmagan blenny
Blennioidei cat-dubh AFB
Brosme brosme céileann AFB
Brosme brosme cìlean AFB
Brosme brosme cìlig AFB
Brosme brosme traille AFB
Brosme brosme troille AFB
Brosme brosme tosg Dwelly
Brosme brosme traille Dwelly
Brosme brosme trosg Dwelly
Buglossidium luteum? corach-shùil Dwelly
Callionymus lyra òrdag a' mhuilleir AFB dragonet
Carcharhinidae cearban-riofa AFB
Carcharhinus leucas cearban-tairbh AFB
Carcharhinus longimanus cearban bàrr-geal a' chuain AFB
Carcharodon carcharias cearban mór geal AFB
Cardiidae breallach Dwelly 2 (AM) Large cockle shell
Cardiidae cuach Dwelly 6 (AF) cockle (fish)
Caridea caran-creige Dwelly sand eel
conger eel.
2 (AF) shrimp
4 (AF) stickleback.
4 Only applied to the shoemaker fish in Lochalsh, Western Isles &c., and not to the conger-eel
Caridea carran-creige Dwelly lumpfish.
2 conger-eel.
4 sea-porcupine (fish).
4** shrimp
Caridea cloitheag Dwelly shrimp
2 (JM) Small fish of a yellowish colour, found under stones on the seashore. It has a few black spots on each side of the dorsal fin; spotted blenny.
4 (AF) gadfly, cleg.
4 Small lamprey. Cuiridh a' chloitheag an lòn troimh a chéile (i.e. a very trifling person may create a disturbance. This fish is used as a bait while trailing for lythe
Caulolatilus gealag AFB unspecific term (e.g. sea-trout; white fish; milt; whiting etc
Centrolabrus exoletus creagachan AFB rock cook
Cephalopoda gibealach AFB
Cephalopoda gibneach AFB
Cephalopoda giobanach AFB
Cephalopoda giobarnach AFB
Cephalopoda gubarnach AFB
Ceratiidae carran-gainmhich AFB anglerfish in general (including sea devils (ceratiidae) and monkfish (lophius)
Ceratiidae mac-làimheig AFB anglerfish in general (including sea devils (ceratiidae) and monkfish (lophius)
Ceratiidae mac-lathaich AFB anglerfish in general (including sea devils (ceratiidae) and monkfish (lophius)
Cetorhinus maximus cairbean AFB basking shark
Cetorhinus maximus cairbhean AFB basking shark
Cetorhinus maximus carban AFB basking shark
Cetorhinus maximus cearban AFB basking shark
Cetorhinus maximus cearbanach AFB basking shark
Cetorhinus maximus cearban-gréine AFB basking shark
Cetorhinus maximus cearban Dualchas2020.1.7 cearbain basking shark
Chelidonichthys kumu cnòdan-ruadh AFB bluefin
Pacific red gurnard
Chelidonichthys kumu cnùdan-ruadh AFB bluefin
Pacific red gurnard
Chimaera monstrosa buachaill an sgadain Dwelly
Choerodon iasg nan tosg AFB
Cirripectes fuscoguttatus cloitheag Dwelly spotted blenny
Clupea harengus sgadan Dualchas2020.1.7 sgadain herring
Clupea sprattus garbhan Dwelly 6†† minnow.
7†† garvie
8 (AF) sea-urchin — Lochcarron
Clupeidae geilmhin AFB sardine
Clupeidae pillsear AFB sardine
Clupeidae sàrdan AFB sardine
Clupeidae sèirdean AFB sardine
Clupeidae sgadan-sligeach AFB sardine
Conger conger easgann-mhara Eòrpach AFB conger eel
Conger creagag-uisge Dwelly freshwater perch — perca fluviatilis.
2 (AF) perch, conger.
4 black-goby, wrasse, rock-fish
Conger carrag AFB conger eel
Conger congar AFB conger eel
Conger creagag AFB conger eel
Conger easgann-dubh a' chladaich AFB conger eel
Conger easgann-dubh AFB conger eel
Conger easgann-fhairge AFB conger eel
Conger easgann-mhara AFB conger eel
Conger easg-mhara AFB conger eel
Congridae as-chù Dwelly 2 eel (anguilliformes).
4 Conger eel (congridae)
Congridae bior-bhuafan Dwelly
Congridae bior-bhuasach Dwelly
Congridae caran-creige Dwelly sand eel
conger eel.
2 (AF) shrimp
4 (AF) stickleback.
4 Only applied to the shoemaker fish in Lochalsh, Western Isles &c., and not to the conger-eel
Congridae càrnag Dwelly sand-eel found under stones on seashore.
2 conger-eel — Lochalsh.
4 (AF) she-terrier
Congridae carran-creige Dwelly lumpfish.
2 conger-eel.
4 sea-porcupine (fish).
4** shrimp
Congridae creagag Dwelly Labrax lupus (Lacepède, 1802) => Synonym of Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758) Labrax lupus (Lacepède, 1802) in GBIF Secretariat (2019).<brGBIF Backbone Taxonomy.<brChecklist dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/39omei accessed via GBIF.org on 2020-03-12 conger.
2 perch — labrax lupus
Congridae cullach Dwelly 9 (AF) conger-eel
Congridae easgann-mhara Dwelly
Congridae easg-shùileach Dwelly
Congridae glas-mhogail Dwelly Entanglement made in a net by a conger
Congridae mogal Dwelly Entanglement made in a net by a conger
Coregonus lavaretus pollag Dwelly 3 gwiniad
schelly (Coregonus laveratus). fresh-water herring, found in lakes in Wales and Cumberland.
4 pollack
lythe (Pollachius pollachius).
5 Whiting (merlangius merlangus).
6 pollan
vendace (Coregonus pollan)
Coregonus lavaretus tulag Dwelly whiting (merlangius merlangus).
2 pollock (pollachius pollachius).
4 gwyniad (coregonus laveratus
Coregonus pollan pollag Dwelly 3 gwiniad
schelly (Coregonus laveratus). fresh-water herring, found in lakes in Wales and Cumberland.
4 pollack
lythe (Pollachius pollachius).
5 Whiting (merlangius merlangus).
6 pollan
vendace (Coregonus pollan)
Coregonus gealag AFB unspecific term (e.g. sea-trout; white fish; milt; whiting etc
Coryphaenidae iasg-deilf AFB dolphinfish
Cottus bodach-greusaiche AFB cobbler
freshwater sculpin
miller's thumbs
Cottus clabastair-cìocharain AFB cobbler
freshwater sculpin
miller's thumbs
Cottus clab-cìocharain AFB cobbler
freshwater sculpin
miller's thumbs
Cottus greusaiche AFB cobbler
freshwater sculpin
miller's thumbs
Crustacea iasg-sligeach AFB shellfish
Crustacea carrachag Dwelly Shellfish that grows on the lowest part of a rock
Cyclopteridae carran-creige Dwelly lumpfish.
2 conger-eel.
4 sea-porcupine (fish).
4** shrimp
Cyclopterus lumpus muc-creige AFB lumpfish
ballan wrasse
Cyclopterus lumpus muc-creige Dualchas2020.1.7 mucan-creige wrasse
Cyclopterus lumpus muc-creige Dwelly lumpfish
ballan wrasse
Cyclopterus lumpus carran-creige AFB lumpfish
Cyclopterus lumpus muc-rìolais AFB lumpfish
Cyclopterus lumpus murcan AFB lumpfish
Cyclopterus lumpus raingeis AFB lumpfish
Cyclopterus lumpus rìolais AFB lumpfish
Cyclopterus lumpus moragan Dwelly lumpfish
Cyclopterus lumpus murcan Dwelly lumpfish
Cyprinidae bronnag AFB gudgeon
Cyprinidae gùda AFB gudgeon
Cyprinidae garbhan Dwelly 6†† minnow.
7†† garvie
8 (AF) sea-urchin — Lochcarron
Cyprinidae sgiollag Dwelly minnow.
2 Small fish.
4 Sand eel
Cyprinidae carbh AFB carp
Cyprinidae carbhan AFB small carp
Cyprinidae carbhanach AFB carp
Cyprinidae mionasg AFB small fry
young/small fish (incl. minnows
Cyprinidae bioran-deamhnaidh Dwelly minnow
Cyprinidae bior-teinn Dwelly minnow
Cyprinidae carbh Dwelly 2 (AF) carp (fish)
Cyprinidae dairbeag Dwelly 2 (AF) minnow.
4 Any very small fish
Cyprinidae doirb Dwelly 2 minnow.
4** Any small fish
Cyprinidae doirbeag Dwelly minnow.
2 Any very small fish
Cyprinidae fuaidearag Dwelly minnow
Cyprinidae gòbhlachan Dwelly 4 shad (fish).
5 Young trout.
6 stickleback.
7 Large minnow.
8 mackerel
9 parr, samlet
Cyprinidae mion-iasg Dwelly 2 minnow.
4 Shoal of fish
Cyprinidae sgiold-aibhne Dwelly minnow
Cypriniformes breac-beadaidh AFB loach
Cypriniformes breac-beadaidh Dwelly loach
Cyprinus carpio carbh-choitcheann AFB
Cyprinus carpio iasg-leathann AFB
Cyprinus carpio carbhanach-uisge Dwelly
Decapodiformes gibearnach Dwelly
Dendrobranchiata caran-creige Dwelly sand eel
conger eel.
2 (AF) shrimp
4 (AF) stickleback.
4 Only applied to the shoemaker fish in Lochalsh, Western Isles &c., and not to the conger-eel
Dendrobranchiata carran-creige Dwelly lumpfish.
2 conger-eel.
4 sea-porcupine (fish).
4** shrimp
Dendrobranchiata cloitheag Dwelly shrimp
2 (JM) Small fish of a yellowish colour, found under stones on the seashore. It has a few black spots on each side of the dorsal fin; spotted blenny.
4 (AF) gadfly, cleg.
4 Small lamprey. Cuiridh a' chloitheag an lòn troimh a chéile (i.e. a very trifling person may create a disturbance. This fish is used as a bait while trailing for lythe
Dicentrarchus labrax creagag AFB European sea bass
Dicentrarchus labrax
(aka Labrax lupus)
creagag Dwelly Labrax lupus (Lacepède, 1802) => Synonym of Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758) Labrax lupus (Lacepède, 1802) in GBIF Secretariat (2019).<brGBIF Backbone Taxonomy.<brChecklist dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/39omei accessed via GBIF.org on 2020-03-12 conger.
2 perch — labrax lupus
Diodontidae carran-creige Dwelly lumpfish.
2 conger-eel.
4 sea-porcupine (fish).
4** shrimp
Dipturus batis
(aka Raja batis)
sgait-ghlas AFB
Dipturus batis
(aka Raja batis)
sgat-ghlas Dwelly
Dipturus oxyrinchus
(aka Raja oxyrinchus)
sòrnan-biorach AFB
Echiichthys vipera dionntag AFB lesser weever
Echiichthys vipera nathair-ghainmhich AFB lesser weever
Echiichthys vipera tarbh na sìolaige AFB lesser weever
Echiichthys vipera tarbh-nimhe AFB lesser weever
Echiichthys vipera tarbh-shìolag AFB lesser weever
Echiichthys vipera tarbh-shìolag Dwelly weever or viperfish
Echinodermata iasg-sligeach AFB shellfish
Echinodermata carrachag Dwelly Shellfish that grows on the lowest part of a rock
Echinoidea garbhan Dwelly 6†† minnow.
7†† garvie
8 (AF) sea-urchin — Lochcarron
Eleotridae bronnag AFB gudgeon
Eleotridae gùda AFB gudgeon
Engraulis encrasicolus ainseabhaidh AFB anchovy
Engraulis encrasicolus antobhadh AFB anchovy
Engraulis encrasicolus sàrdail AFB anchovy
Ensis siliqua dearbhallach AFB
Ensis muirsgean AFB
Epinephelinae creagag-uisge Dwelly freshwater perch — perca fluviatilis.
2 (AF) perch, conger.
4 black-goby, wrasse, rock-fish
Esox lucius ceann bàrr Dwelly jack-fish
Esox lucius ceann-barrach Dwelly
Esox gealag Dwelly sea-trout.
2 white trout.
4 salmon-trout.
4 whiting.
5* grilse.
7 white pike.
9 (AF) eel
Esox gead AFB pike
Esox geadas AFB pike
Esox geadasach AFB pertaining to or abounding in pikes
Esox geadasg AFB pike
Esox geadrais AFB pike
Esox pic AFB pike
Esox ead Dwelly
Esox gail-iasg Dwelly
Esox geadach Dwelly 6** Like a pike, abounding in pikes
Esox geadag Dwelly 2 (?) large trout.
4 (AH) grilse or salmon, three or four years old when returning from its first season in the sea.
4** young pike
Esox geadas Dwelly pike fish (called jack when young, pickerel when larger, and luce when old).
2 tufty head.
Esox geastag Dwelly
Esox giread Dwelly
Eutrigla gurnardus cnòdan-glas AFB grey gurnard
Eutrigla gurnardus cnùdan-glas AFB grey gurnard
Exocoetidae iasg-itealaich AFB
Fistulariidae iasg gob-fhìdeagach AFB cornetfish
Gadidae trosg Dwelly
Gadidae donnag AFB unspecific term for a brown object/animal/being/plant (e.g. rockling; dunnock; sparrow; brown-haired female; brown butterfly.
Gadidae marag truisg AFB cod pudding
Gadidae trosgach Dwelly Abounding in, of or belonging to, cod-fish
Gadidae trosgair Dwelly cod-fisher.
2 cod-fishing
Gadus morhua glas-iasg AFB white fish (fish with white flesh
Gadus morhua bodach-ruadh Dwelly cod-fish.
2 (JM) codling
Gadus morhua glas-iasg Dwelly white fish, as cod, ling, haddock, &c, as distinct from iasg-dearg (red fish) belonging to the family salmonidae.
2†† coal-fish
Gadus morhua blogaidh AFB blockie (codling, small cod; gadus morhua
Gadus morhua bodach AFB
Gadus morhua bodach-beag AFB codling
Gadus morhua bodach-ruadh AFB
Gadus morhua cailleach-thruisg AFB heavy cod (esp. with large stomach
Gadus morhua càrnaidh AFB
Gadus morhua eòlan-mór AFB cod-liver oil
Gadus morhua glasag ròsta AFB roasted cod roe
Gadus morhua leth bhodach-ruadh AFB juvenile cod
Gadus morhua ola an truisg AFB cod liver oil
Gadus morhua ola nan trosg AFB cod liver oil
Gadus morhua pollach AFB
Gadus morhua pollachan-ruadh AFB young cod
Gadus morhua trosg AFB
Gadus morhua trosg Dualchas2020.1.7 truisg
bodaich ruadha
Gadus morhua bagaid Dwelly
Gadus morhua bodach Dwelly 7 cod
Gadus morhua bròg Dwelly 6 (CR) Spawn of cod, coalfish and other large sea fish - West coast of Ross. (Iuchair, sf is the spawn of herring and salmon
Gadus morhua ceann-cropaidh Dwelly Scots crappit heids and slapped heids
Gadus morhua céilig Dwelly
Gadus morhua cìlean Dwelly
Gadus morhua cochallaich Dwelly
Gadus morhua eòlan-mór Dwelly cod-liver oil
Gadus morhua feilteag Dwelly
Gadus morhua geàrr-bhodach Dwelly Young middle sized cod.
Gadus morhua màgarlan Dwelly
Gadus morhua marag-truisg Dwelly DMK) sf Pudding made in the stomach of a cod consisting of the liver of the cod, oatmeal and seasoning. Gairloch
Gadus morhua ola nan trosg Dwelly cod liver oil
Gadus morhua pollach Dwelly
Gadus morhua poll-truisg Dwelly A greatly emaciated cod-fish. It generally hugs the shore
Gadus morhua rolagan Dwelly Half-sized cod
Gadus morhua rolagan-truisg Dwelly
Gadus morhua? reubairneach AFB large codling
Gadus morhua? ceilinn Dwelly large codling
Gadus pollachius glas-iasg AFB white fish (fish with white flesh
Gadus pollachius blaghan Dwelly whiting
pollack (fish)
Gadus pollachius blaoghan Dwelly whiting
pollack (fish)
Gadus pollachius blocan Dwelly whiting
pollack (fish)
Gadus pollachius glas-iasg Dwelly white fish, as cod, ling, haddock, &c, as distinct from iasg-dearg (red fish) belonging to the family salmonidae.
2†† coal-fish
Gadus glas-iasg AFB white fish (fish with white flesh
Gadus glas-iasg Dwelly white fish, as cod, ling, haddock, &c, as distinct from iasg-dearg (red fish) belonging to the family salmonidae.
2†† coal-fish
Gadus? blar-doidheag Dwelly Species of small cod marked with large blue spots. It occurs in Loch Torridon
Gaidropsarus vulgaris burbaidh AFB three-bearded rockling
Gaidropsarus deargan-tràghad AFB rockling
Gaidropsarus lodag AFB rockling
Galeocerdo cuvier cearban an tìgeir AFB
Gasterosteidae réibean Dwelly moustache.
2 stickleback
4 Minnow (phoxinus phoxinus).
4 (DMy) The fringe of whiskers men were formerly in the habit of leaving when shaving from ear to ear
Gasterosteidae biorag-lodain AFB stickleback
Gasterosteidae bioran-deamhnaidh AFB stickleback
Gasterosteidae breac-deamhain AFB stickleback
Gasterosteidae breac-feadain AFB stickleback
Gasterosteidae stangar AFB stickleback
Gasterosteidae stangaram AFB stickleback
Gasterosteidae stangarran AFB stickleback
Gasterosteidae stangar Dualchas2020.1.7 stangaran stickleback
Gasterosteidae biorag-lodain Dwelly bandstickle
Gasterosteidae caran-creige Dwelly sand eel
conger eel.
2 (AF) shrimp
4 (AF) stickleback.
4 Only applied to the shoemaker fish in Lochalsh, Western Isles &c., and not to the conger-eel
Gasterosteidae gòbhlachan Dwelly 4 shad (fish).
5 Young trout.
6 stickleback.
7 Large minnow.
8 mackerel
9 parr, samlet
Gasterosteidae stangar Dwelly stickleback
Gasterosteidae stangaram Dwelly stickleback
Gasterosteidae? bior-deimhnidh Dwelly Fish about 8 inches long, scaled and without fins like an eel but tapering from shoulders to tail like a sturgeon, found in trawling and the ebb, thought to be the bandstickle {stickleback}
Gasterosteus aculeatus stangarran nan trì bioran AFB three-spined stickleback
Glyptocephalus cynoglossus lèabag-uisge AFB witch flounder
Torbay sole
Gobio gobio bronnag AFB gudgeon
Gobio gobio gùda AFB gudgeon
Gobius niger creagag-uisge Dwelly freshwater perch — perca fluviatilis.
2 (AF) perch, conger.
4 black-goby, wrasse, rock-fish
Gobius niger buidhleis AFB black goby
Gobius niger buidhleis Dualchas2020.1.7 buidhleisean goby
Hippocampus capall-mara AFB seahorse
Hippoglossus hippoglossus pacach-ceàrr Dwelly turbot (scophthalmus maximus).
2 (AF) halibut (hippoglossus hippoglossus).
4 (AF) flounder (patichthys flesus)
Hippoglossus hippoglossus bradan-leathann a' Chuain Siar AFB Atlantic halibut
Hippoglossus hippoglossus trailleadh Dwelly halibut
Hippoglossus hippoglossus turbaid Dwelly sf turbot (Psetta maxima).
2 halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) — Lewis.
4 Rhomboid
Hippoglossus stenolepis bradan-leathann a' Chuain Shèimh AFB Pacific halibut
Hippoglossus bradan-leathann AFB halibut
Hippoglossus breac-garbh AFB halibut
Hippoglossus lèabag-leathann AFB halibut
Histrio histrio carrachan AFB unspecific term for a variety of stocky and squat fish (esp. frogfish (antennariidae family), sargassum
anglerfish (Histrio histrio) sea-devil (genus Lophius)
Hyperoplus lanceolatus sìolag-bhainnse AFB greater sand eel
Hyperoplus lanceolatus sìolag-mhór AFB greater sand eel
Hypoderma logais AFB
Istiophoridae màrlain AFB marlin
Istiophorus cairbean-siùil AFB sailfish
Istiophorus cairbean Dwelly sailfish
Labridae creagag-uisge Dwelly freshwater perch — perca fluviatilis.
2 (AF) perch, conger.
4 black-goby, wrasse, rock-fish
Labridae ba-laoghan AFB wrasse
Labridae blaith-laoghag AFB wrasse
Labridae blath-laoghan AFB wrasse
Labridae bla-laoghan Dwelly wrasse
Labrus bergylta creagag AFB
Labrus bergylta muc-creige AFB lumpfish
ballan wrasse
Labrus bergylta muc-ruadh AFB ballan wrasse
Labrus bergylta muc-creige Dualchas2020.1.7 mucan-creige wrasse
Labrus bergylta muc-creige Dwelly lumpfish
ballan wrasse
Labrus bergylta muc-ruadh Dwelly The ballan wrasse
Lamna nasus cearban an sgadain AFB porbeagle (mackerel shark
lamna nasus stiora AFB
Lamniformes cearban an rionnaich AFB mackerel shark
Lampetra fluviatilis buarach-bhaidhbh na h-aibhne AFB river lamprey
Lampetra planeri buarach-bhaidhbh nan allt AFB brook lamprey
Lampridae morair AFB opah
Jerusalem haddock
Lernaeocera branchialis logais AFB
Leuciscus cephalus pluicean Dwelly sm dim of pluic. little round cheek.
2 (AF) European chub
Leucoraja fullonica sòrnan Dwelly
Leucoraja fullonica
(aka Raja fullonica)
sòrnag AFB
Leucoraja fullonica
(aka Raja fullonica)
sòrnag Dwelly
Leucoraja naevus gobach-odhar AFB
Limanda limanda garbhag AFB common dab
Lipophrys pholis breac-donais AFB common blenny
Lipophrys pholis caplachan AFB common blenny
Lophiidae carran-gainmhich AFB anglerfish in general (including sea devils (ceratiidae) and monkfish (lophius)
Lophiidae mac-làimheig AFB anglerfish in general (including sea devils (ceratiidae) and monkfish (lophius)
Lophiidae mac-lathaich AFB anglerfish in general (including sea devils (ceratiidae) and monkfish (lophius)
Lophiiformes carran-gainmhich AFB anglerfish in general (including sea devils (ceratiidae) and monkfish (lophius)
Lophiiformes mac-làimheig AFB anglerfish in general (including sea devils (ceratiidae) and monkfish (lophius)
Lophiiformes mac-lathaich AFB anglerfish in general (including sea devils (ceratiidae) and monkfish (lophius)
Lophius budegassa cuman Dwelly
Lophius piscatorius carrachan Dwelly
Lophius piscatorius meirsgiorra AFB angler fish
Lophius piscatorius cat-mhara Dwelly
Lophius piscatorius mersgirra Dwelly angler-fish
Lophius carrachan AFB unspecific term for a variety of stocky and squat fish (esp. frogfish (antennariidae family), sargassum
anglerfish (Histrio histrio) sea-devil (genus Lophius)
Lophius carran-gainmhich AFB anglerfish in general (including sea devils (ceratiidae) and monkfish (lophius)
Lophius mac-làimheig AFB anglerfish in general (including sea devils (ceratiidae) and monkfish (lophius)
Lophius mac-lathaich AFB anglerfish in general (including sea devils (ceratiidae) and monkfish (lophius)
Lota lota glas-iasg AFB white fish (fish with white flesh
Lota lota glas-iasg Dwelly white fish, as cod, ling, haddock, &c, as distinct from iasg-dearg (red fish) belonging to the family salmonidae.
2†† coal-fish
Lota lota burbaid AFB burbot
Lota lota carran-bréige (carran-creige?) Dwelly burbot
Lotidae donnag AFB unspecific term for a brown object/animal/being/plant (e.g. rockling; dunnock; sparrow; brown-haired female; brown butterfly.
Lyconus brachycolus? colamoir Dwelly
Lyconus pinnatus? colamoir Dwelly
Malacoraja senta sgait-mhìn AFB
Melanogrammus aeglefinus glas-iasg AFB white fish (fish with white flesh
Melanogrammus aeglefinus glas-iasg Dwelly white fish, as cod, ling, haddock, &c, as distinct from iasg-dearg (red fish) belonging to the family salmonidae.
2†† coal-fish
Melanogrammus aeglefinus adag sgaoilte AFB a filleted haddock
Melanogrammus aeglefinus adag AFB haddock
Melanogrammus aeglefinus adag-dhearg AFB finnan/findon/findhorn/findrum Victor Steinbok aardvark66 at GMAIL.COM Tue Jan 24 03:22:32 UTC 2012 Finnan haddie (also known as Finnan haddock
Finny haddock or Findrum speldings) is cold-smoked haddock, representative of a regional method of smoking with green wood and peat in northeast Scotland
Melanogrammus aeglefinus adag-réisgte Obar Bhrothaig AFB The Arbroath smokie is a type of smoked haddock – a speciality of the town of Arbroath in Angus
Melanogrammus aeglefinus adag-réisgte AFB smoked haddock
Melanogrammus aeglefinus pìos de dh'adag air ùr-ghlacadh AFB a portion of newly/freshly caught haddock
Melanogrammus aeglefinus adag Dualchas2020.1.7 adagan haddock
Melanogrammus aeglefinus adag Dwelly haddock
Melanogrammus aeglefinus caoran Dwelly 3 (DU) Small shoal or school of fish, as haddock, &c
Merlangius merlangus blaghan Dwelly whiting
pollack (fish)
Merlangius merlangus blaoghan Dwelly whiting
pollack (fish)
Merlangius merlangus blocan Dwelly whiting
pollack (fish)
Merlangius merlangus cuiteag Dwelly whiting
Merlangius merlangus gealag Dwelly sea-trout.
2 white trout.
4 salmon-trout.
4 whiting.
5* grilse.
7 white pike.
9 (AF) eel
Merlangius merlangus pollag Dwelly 3 gwiniad
schelly (Coregonus laveratus). fresh-water herring, found in lakes in Wales and Cumberland.
4 pollack
lythe (Pollachius pollachius).
5 Whiting (merlangius merlangus).
6 pollan
vendace (Coregonus pollan)
Merlangius merlangus tulag Dwelly whiting (merlangius merlangus).
2 pollock (pollachius pollachius).
4 gwyniad (coregonus laveratus
Merlangius merlangus cuiteag AFB whiting
Merlangius merlangus fionnag AFB whiting
Merlangius merlangus gealag AFB unspecific term (e.g. sea-trout; white fish; milt; whiting etc
Merlangius merlangus mangach Dwelly whiting
Merluccius merluccius colamoir Dwelly
Merluccius merluccius falmaire-Eòrpach AFB hake
Merluccius merluccius
(aka Merluccius vulgaris)
falmair Dwelly hake
Merluccius colmaire AFB hake
Merluccius falmaire AFB hake
Merluccius talmadan AFB hake
Microchirus variegatus? corach-shùil Dwelly
Micromesistius poutassou cuiteag-ghorm AFB blue whiting
Micromesistius poutassou? cuiteag Dwelly whiting
Microstomus kitt corach-shùil Dwelly
Microstomus kitt lèabag-rapach Dwelly sf lemon sole (microstomus kitt) - Gairloch
Modiolus modiolus clab-dubh Dwelly
Mola mola iasg-gréine AFB sunfish
Mollusca iasg-sligeach AFB shellfish
Mollusca carrachag Dwelly Shellfish that grows on the lowest part of a rock
Molva dypterygia glas-iasg AFB white fish (fish with white flesh
Molva dypterygia glas-iasg Dwelly white fish, as cod, ling, haddock, &c, as distinct from iasg-dearg (red fish) belonging to the family salmonidae.
2†† coal-fish
Molva dypterygia cat-mara AFB blue ling
Molva molva glas-iasg AFB white fish (fish with white flesh
Molva molva glas-iasg Dwelly white fish, as cod, ling, haddock, &c, as distinct from iasg-dearg (red fish) belonging to the family salmonidae.
2†† coal-fish
Molva molva donnag langa AFB young ling
Molva langa AFB ling
Molva langainn AFB ling
Molva leaga AFB ling
Molva mairtfheoil a' chuain AFB ling (genus molva; poetic
Moridae reubairneach AFB large codling
Moridae ceilinn Dwelly large codling
Moridae bodach-ruadh Dwelly cod-fish.
2 (JM) codling
Moridae? blogaidh AFB blockie (codling, small cod; gadus morhua
Moridae? bodach-beag AFB codling
Mugilidae bradan-sligeach AFB mullet
Mugilidae breac-sligneach AFB mullet
Mugilidae cearbhanach AFB mullet
Mugilidae geadraisg AFB grey mullet (variety of members in mugilidae family
Mugilidae iasg-drioman glas AFB grey mullet (variety of members in mugilidae family
Mugilidae iasg-drioman ruadh AFB red mullet
surmullet (mugilidae family
Mugilidae iasg-drioman AFB mullet
Mugilidae iasg-driomanach AFB mullet
Mugilidae iasg-mear AFB mullet
Mugilidae muileid AFB mullet
Muraenidae easgann-Mhoireibh AFB moray eel
Mustelus dallag-mhìn AFB smooth-hound shark
Myliobatis goodei creagag-uisge Dwelly freshwater perch — perca fluviatilis.
2 (AF) perch, conger.
4 black-goby, wrasse, rock-fish
Myliobatoidei sòrnan-guineach AFB stingray
Myxine ileag AFB hagfish
Negaprion brevirostris cearban-liomaide AFB
Octopoda gubarnach-meurach Dwelly
Octopoda giobarnach-meurach AFB
Octopoda ochd-chasach air a ghriligeadh AFB grilled octopus
Octopoda ochd-chasach air a ghual-ghriligeadh AFB chargrilled octopus
Octopoda ochd-chasach AFB
Octopoda làimh-inneach Dwelly
Octopoda ochd-bhallach Dwelly
Oncorhynchus mykiss breac-geal AFB
Opisthoproctidae iasg-taibhse AFB
Osmeridae morghadair AFB smelt
Osmerus eperlanus dubh-bhreac AFB smelt
Osmerus eperlanus spèirlinn Dualchas2020.1.7 sparling
Parablennius ruber cat-dearg AFB Portuguese blenny
red blenny
Patellogastropoda bullach Dwelly 2 (AF) limpet
Perca fluviatilis creagag-uisge Dwelly freshwater perch — perca fluviatilis.
2 (AF) perch, conger.
4 black-goby, wrasse, rock-fish
Perca fluviatilis creagag-uisge AFB common
European perch
Perca fluviatilis muc-locha AFB European perch
Perca fluviatilis muc-locha Dwelly The common perch
Perca fluviatilis sgorrach Dwelly perch
Perca creagag-uisge Dwelly freshwater perch — perca fluviatilis.
2 (AF) perch, conger.
4 black-goby, wrasse, rock-fish
Petromyzon marinus buarach-bhaidhbh na mara AFB sea lamprey
Petromyzon marinus easgann-bhreac na mara Dualchas2020.1.7 easgannan-breaca na mara
creathaill na mara
sea lamprey
Petromyzontiformes buarach-bhaidhbh AFB
Petromyzontiformes creathall AFB
Petromyzontiformes easg nan naoidh sùilean AFB
Petromyzontiformes easgann-bhreac AFB
Petromyzontiformes gioradan AFB
Petromyzontiformes langar-Ìleach AFB
Petromyzontiformes buarach-bhaoibh Dwelly
Pholidae clòitheag AFB gunnel
Pholidae cluaimheag AFB gunnel
Pholidae deilean AFB gunnel
Pholis gunnellus clòitheag-chaothaich AFB rock gunnel
Pholis gunnellus iasg-lòintean AFB rock gunnel
Phoxinus phoxinus breac-Pheadair AFB Eurasian minnow
common minnow
Phoxinus phoxinus doirbeag-choitcheann AFB Eurasianminnow
common minnow
Phoxinus phoxinus réaban Dwelly minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus).
2 (DMy) The fringe of whiskers men were formerly in the habit of leaving when shaving from ear to ear
Phoxinus phoxinus réibean Dwelly moustache.
2 stickleback
4 Minnow (phoxinus phoxinus).
4 (DMy) The fringe of whiskers men were formerly in the habit of leaving when shaving from ear to ear
Platichthys flesus lèabag-ghlas Eòrpach AFB European flounder
Platichthys flesus pacach-ceàrr Dwelly turbot (scophthalmus maximus).
2 (AF) halibut (hippoglossus hippoglossus).
4 (AF) flounder (patichthys flesus)
Platichthys flesus
(aka Pleuronectes Leviniae (sic) http://www.llft.org/fish-species/%7Clang=gd}}
lèabag Dwelly fish species flounder — pleuronectus solea.
2** Loch Lomond flounder —pleuronectes Leviniae.
4 Sole (fish)
Platichthys stellatus lèabag-ghlas rionnagach AFB starry flounder
Platichthys lèabag-ghlas AFB flounder
Pleuronectes platessa lèabag-bhreac Eòrpach AFB European plaice
Pleuronectes lèabag-bhreac AFB plaice
Pleuronectes lèabag-mhór AFB plaice
Pollachius pollachius pollag Dwelly 3 gwiniad
schelly (Coregonus laveratus). fresh-water herring, found in lakes in Wales and Cumberland.
4 pollack
lythe (Pollachius pollachius).
5 Whiting (merlangius merlangus).
6 pollan
vendace (Coregonus pollan)
Pollachius pollachius tulag Dwelly whiting (merlangius merlangus).
2 pollock (pollachius pollachius).
4 gwyniad (coregonus laveratus
Pollachius pollachius bliong AFB mature Atlantic pollock
European pollock
Pollachius pollachius caileag AFB
Pollachius pollachius fliùgh AFB
Pollachius pollachius fliùthag AFB juvenile lythe
Pollachius pollachius liùgh AFB
Pollachius pollachius liùghag AFB juvenile lythe
Pollachius pollachius pliachd AFB juvenile lythe
Pollachius pollachius pollag-Eòrpach AFB Atlantic pollock
European pollock
Pollachius pollachius sgleòtag AFB juvenile lythe
Pollachius pollachius liùgh Dualchas2020.1.7 liùghachan
Pollachius pollachius caileag Dwelly 2 (AF) Lythe, laith
European pollock (Pollachius pollachius)
Pollachius pollachius camas-fhliuch Dwelly
Pollachius pollachius pulbhag Dwelly pollack
Pollachius pollachius pullag Dwelly 2 (AF) pollack
Pollachius virens ceiteanach AFB 1 year old saithe
Pollachius virens cudaig AFB cuddy (2 year old pollock
Pollachius virens cudaig-ruadh AFB red cuddy (1 year old pollock
Pollachius virens cudainn AFB cuddy (2 year old pollock
Pollachius virens cudainn-mhór AFB cuddy (2 year old pollock
6" in length
Pollachius virens cudan AFB cuddy (2 year old pollock
Pollachius virens leth-shaoidhean AFB 2 year old coalfish
Pollachius virens liùgh-dhonn AFB cuddy (2 year old pollock
Pollachius virens piocach AFB 2-3 year old coalfish
Pollachius virens piocach-mór AFB 4 year old saithe
Pollachius virens saoidhean AFB 2-3 year old coalfish
Pollachius virens saoidhean-dubh AFB 5 year old coalfish
Pollachius virens saoidhean-mór AFB 5 year old coalfish
Pollachius virens smalag AFB 1-2 year old pollock
Pollachius virens ucas AFB mature saithe
Pollachius virens ucsa AFB mature saithe
Pollachius virens saoidhean Dualchas2020.1.7 saoidheanan saithe
Pollachius virens ceiteanach Dwelly coal-fish of next size larger than a cuddy
Pollachius virens cudainn Dwelly cuddy
coal-fish till the New Year, saithe
lythe, &c
Pollachius virens oncs Dwelly
Pollachius virens piocach Dwelly The coalfish (Pollachius virens) in its third and fourth years — Argyll.
2 (DU) metaphorically, small fellow
Pollachius virens saidhean Dwelly coalfish in 2nd and 3rd years, saith
Pollachius virens saoidhean Dwelly The coalfish
saithe (Pollachius virens). Named according to its age as follows:—
1st year, sìol or sìolagan.
2nd year, cudaig
cudainn or saoidhean.
4rd year, smalag
cuideanach or saoidhean.
4th year, saoidhean or piocach.
5th year, saoidhean-dubh or saoidhean-mór.
6th year, ucsa or ugsa. [1st year, cudaig;
2nd year, smalag;
4th year, saoidhean;
4th year, saoidhean-mór; after
4th year, ucas — Lewis, (DMy)]. The young saithe is called cuddy in some parts of Scotland and podly in others. It is sillock in Shetland. Raasay people are nicknamed “na saoitheanan.”
Pollachius virens saoidhean-dubh Dwelly coalfish (pollachius virens) in its
5th year, in some places erroneously called lythe
Pollachius virens steinloch Dwelly coalfish (pollachius virens) full grown, stenlock
Pollachius virens ucas Dwelly
Pollachius glaisean AFB unspecific term for a grey object/being/animal/plant (e.g. a coalfish
saithe; finch
house sparrow; grey-faced/haired person; pale (-faced) child; grayling (butterfly).
Pollachius glasan AFB unspecific term for a grey object/being/animal/plant (e.g. a coalfish
saithe; finch; grey-faced/haired person; pale (-faced) child; grayling (butterfly).
Pollachius pollag AFB pollock
Pollachius pullag AFB pollock
Pollachius tulag AFB pollock
Pollachius ulag AFB
Polyprion americanus basan-creige AFB wreckfish
stone bass
Prionace glauca biast-ghorm AFB
Prionace glauca cù-gorm AFB
Prionace glauca tarbh-dallaig AFB
Prionace glauca tarbh-dallaig Dwelly
Psetta maxima turbaid Dwelly sf turbot (Psetta maxima).
2 halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) — Lewis.
4 Rhomboid
Ptereleotridae bronnag AFB gudgeon
Ptereleotridae gùda AFB gudgeon
Pterois iasg-leòmhainn AFB
Pungitius pungitius stangarran nan iomadh bior AFB ninespine stickleback
ten-spined stickleback
Raja brachyura sgait-bhàn AFB
Raja clavata sòrnan Dwelly
Raja clavata sgait-gharbh AFB
Raja clavata sòrnan AFB skate (rajidae family) (usually thornback ray
skate (raja clavata)
Raja clavata sòrnan-sgreabach AFB
Raja clavata roc Dwelly skate
thornback (Raja clavata)
Raja clavata ruth Dwelly
Raja clavata sgite Dwelly
Raja clavata sgith Dwelly
Rajella fyllae sòrnan-busach AFB
Rajella fyllae sòrnan-busach Dwelly
Rajidae sòrnan AFB skate (rajidae family) (usually thornback ray
skate (raja clavata)
Rajidae sporan-feannaig Dwelly It is enclosed in a tough, square-shaped sac, which, on development, the ovum can open from the inside. The sac has stringers for attaching itself to seaware, stones &c sm mermaid's purse — egg of the skate or dogfish
Rajidae buachaille an sgadain AFB
Rajidae sgait ghoirt AFB salted skate
Rajidae sgait mhalcte AFB fermented skate
Rajidae sgait AFB
Rajidae sgaiteach AFB pertaining to or abounding in skates
Rajidae sgaitean AFB
Rajidae sgaot AFB
Rajidae sgarrag AFB
Rajidae sgeit AFB
Rajidae sgiathan sgait AFB skate wing
Rajidae sgait Dualchas2020.1.7 sgaitean skate
Rajidae beathracha Dwelly Pertaining to a serpent or (2) a skate
Rajidae beithir Dwelly
Rajidae cathu Dwelly sm Offensive smell, especially from fish newly salted or from skate when long taken
Rajidae dronn-sgait Dwelly
Rajidae sgad Dwelly
Rajidae sgait Dwelly
Rajidae sgaiteach Dwelly 8 Abounding in skate (fish).
9 Like a skate
Rajidae sgaiteag Dwelly Little skate
Rajidae sgaitean Dwelly sm dim of sgat
Rajidae sgarrag Dwelly
Rajidae sgat Dwelly skate (Rajidae family)
Rajidae sgata Dwelly
Rajidae sòrnanach Dwelly Abounding in skate (fish).
2 Of, or like skate
Rajidae targaid Dwelly
Rajidae? manach Dwelly 5 angelfish.
6 (AF) hooded skate
Regalecus glesne (regalecus galesne, sic stìom-éisg Dwelly
Rhincodon typus mial-chearban AFB
Rostroraja alba sòrnan-biorach Dwelly
Rutilus rutilus roisteach Dwelly roach (rutilus rutilus).
2 bream (abramis brama)
Rutilus rutilus roisteach-choitcheann AFB
Rutilus rutilus breac-mhara Dwelly mackerel.
2 roach
Rutilus rutilus clab-cìochran Dwelly
Rutilus rutilus talag Dwelly
Rutilus roisteach AFB
Salmo ferox dubh-breac AFB
Salmo salar bradan-Atlantaigeach AFB Atlantic salmon
Salmo salar ceann-dubh AFB unspecific term for a black-headed animal or thing, e.g. (Eurasian) blackcap, marsh tit, black redstart, Atlantic salmon, betony, knapweed etc
2 eclipse
4 blackhead
Salmo salar bradan Dualchas2020.1.7 bradain Atlantic salmon
Salmo salar rac-mhaighreadh Dwelly
Salmo salar rac-mhara Dwelly
Salmo salar rìgh nan iasg Dwelly
Salmo salar toineamh Dwelly
Salmo salar toinneamh Dwelly
Salmo trutta morpha trutta stealag AFB
Salmo trutta gealag AFB unspecific term (e.g. sea-trout; white fish; milt; whiting etc
Salmo trutta breac-donn AFB
Salmo trutta breac-mara AFB
Salmo trutta breac-sàile AFB
Salmo trutta cab-dubh AFB
Salmo trutta geòileaban AFB
Salmo trutta ala Dwelly
Salmo trutta bànag Dwelly
Salmo trutta puta Dwelly
Salmo trutta samhan Dwelly
Salmo trutta samhnachan Dwelly
Salmo trutta samhnan Dwelly
Salmo ceann-snaoith nan iasg AFB the king of fish (i.e. salmon
Salmo cealt Dwelly kelt (fish). A salmon that has spawned and is in poor physical condition
Salmo ceann-snaoth Dwelly salmon.
2 Leader among fish
Salmonidae geadag Dwelly 2 (?) large trout.
4 (AH) grilse or salmon, three or four years old when returning from its first season in the sea.
4** young pike
Salmonidae gealag Dwelly sea-trout.
2 white trout.
4 salmon-trout.
4 whiting.
5* grilse.
7 white pike.
9 (AF) eel
Salmonidae bradan AFB
Salmonidae bradan-inneach AFB kelt
black salmon (salmonidae family; salmon that has spawned
Salmonidae breac AFB
Salmonidae buidhean-bradain AFB sac fry
Salmonidae cealt AFB kelt, black salmon (salmonidae family; salmon that has spawned
Salmonidae dubh-lochan AFB poetic) trout
Salmonidae fionnag AFB smolt (salmonidae family; young salmon travelling to the sea for the first time
Salmonidae frith-bhradan AFB salmon fry (salmonidae family; a stage between alevin and parr
Salmonidae geadag AFB grilse (salmonidae family; at first return from the sea
Salmonidae geala-bhradan AFB smolt (salmonidae family; young salmon travelling to the sea for the first time
Salmonidae gille-ruadh AFB salmon parr (salmonidae family; freshwater stage between fry and smolt
Salmonidae grealsach AFB grilse (salmonidae family; at first return from the sea
Salmonidae seursag AFB grilse (salmonidae family; at first return from the sea
Salmonidae breac Dualchas2020.1.7 bric trout
Salmonidae breac Dwelly
Salmonidae gòbhlachan Dwelly 4 shad (fish).
5 Young trout.
6 stickleback.
7 Large minnow.
8 mackerel
9 parr, samlet
Salmonidae sarach Dwelly salmon
Salvelinus alpinus tarragheal AFB
Salvelinus alpinus tarragheal Dwelly
Salvelinus willoughbii tarragan AFB
Salvelinus willoughbii tàrr-dheargan AFB
Salvelinus willoughbii targach Dwelly
Salvelinus willoughbii tàrr Dwelly 5 (AF) char (salvelinus willoughbii
Salvelinus willoughbii tarragan Dwelly
Salvelinus creagag-uisge Dwelly freshwater perch — perca fluviatilis.
2 (AF) perch, conger.
4 black-goby, wrasse, rock-fish
Salvelinus dearganach AFB
Sardina pilchardus? geilmhin AFB sardine
Sardina pilchardus? pillsear AFB sardine
Sardina pilchardus? sàrdan AFB sardine
Sardina pilchardus? sèirdean AFB sardine
Sardina pilchardus? sgadan-sligeach AFB sardine
Scardinius erythrophthalmus breac-dearg AFB
Scardinius erythrophthalmus brù-dhearg AFB
Scomber scombrus breac-mhara Dwelly mackerel.
2 roach
Scomber scombrus cnàmhairneach AFB young mackerel
Scomber scombrus reannach AFB mackerel
Scomber scombrus rionnach a' Chuain Siar AFB Atlantic mackerel
Scomber scombrus rionnach AFB mackerel
Scomber scombrus roinneach AFB mackerel
Scomber scombrus cnàmhairneach Dwelly small transparent fish, found on the coasts of all the islands, young mackerel
Scomber scombrus gabhar Dwelly 4 (AF) mackerel.
6 (AF) shad (fish)
Scomber scombrus gobhar Dwelly 3 (AF) shad (fish).
4 (AF) mackerel
Scomber scombrus gòbhlachan Dwelly 4 shad (fish).
5 Young trout.
6 stickleback.
7 Large minnow.
8 mackerel
9 parr, samlet
Scomber scombrus macrail Dwelly Gaelic spelling of mackerel
Scomber scombrus reannach Dwelly mackerel
Scombridae cnàmhairneach AFB young mackerel
Scombridae cuideam-ceadaichte an rionnaich AFB the mackerel quota
Scombridae reannach AFB mackerel
Scombridae rionnach AFB mackerel
Scombridae roinneach AFB mackerel
Scombridae rionnach Dualchas2020.1.7 rionnaich mackerel
Scophthalmidae miabhan AFB megrim
Scophthalmidae mìgrim AFB megrim
Scophthalmidae lèabag-leathann Dwelly halibut
Scophthalmus maximus pacach-ceàrr Dwelly turbot (scophthalmus maximus).
2 (AF) halibut (hippoglossus hippoglossus).
4 (AF) flounder (patichthys flesus)
Scophthalmus maximus bacach-ceàrr AFB turbot
Scophthalmus maximus bacan-ceàrr AFB turbot
Scophthalmus maximus lèabag-bhràthainn AFB turbot
Scophthalmus maximus turbaid AFB turbot
Scophthalmus maximus bacan ceàrr Dwelly turbot
Scophthalmus maximus brà Dwelly 4 turbot (scophthalmus maximus) - Lewis. liabag bràthan, a round flounder
Scorpaena creagag-uisge Dwelly freshwater perch — perca fluviatilis.
2 (AF) perch, conger.
4 black-goby, wrasse, rock-fish
Scyliorhinidae bearach Dwelly
Scyliorhinidae biagais Dwelly
Scyliorhinus canicula dallag-gharbh AFB
Scyliorhinus canicula mùrlach-breac AFB
Scyliorhinus canicula biorach Dwelly
Scyliorhinus stellaris creagag-uisge Dwelly freshwater perch — perca fluviatilis.
2 (AF) perch, conger.
4 black-goby, wrasse, rock-fish
Scyliorhinus morgan AFB
Scyliorhinus mùrlach AFB
Sebastes creagag-uisge Dwelly freshwater perch — perca fluviatilis.
2 (AF) perch, conger.
4 black-goby, wrasse, rock-fish
Sebastidae creagag-uisge Dwelly freshwater perch — perca fluviatilis.
2 (AF) perch, conger.
4 black-goby, wrasse, rock-fish
Selachimorpha boc-glas AFB
Selachimorpha ola nan cearban AFB shark liver oil
Selachimorpha siorc AFB
Selachimorpha boc glas Dwelly Large dogfish.
2 shark
Sepia sùil an tòin Dwelly
Sepiida AFB
Sepiida faobhag AFB
Sepiida faobhagach AFB pertaining to or abounding in cuttlefish
Sepiida iasg-cutail AFB
Sepiida sùil-thòine AFB
Sepiida cuiteal Dwelly
Sepiida faobhag Dwelly
Sepiida frith-iasg Dwelly
Sepiida gubarnach Dwelly
Sepiida gubarnach-meurach Dwelly
Siganus sutor? carrachan Dwelly
Siganus sutor? caran-creige Dwelly sand eel
conger eel.
2 (AF) shrimp
4 (AF) stickleback.
4 Only applied to the shoemaker fish in Lochalsh, Western Isles &c., and not to the conger-eel
Siluriformes cat-iasg AFB catfish
Solea solea corach-shùil Dwelly
Solea solea lèabag-cheàrr choitcheann AFB common
Dover sole
Solea solea
(aka Pleuronectes solea)
lèabag Dwelly fish species flounder — pleuronectus solea.
2** Loch Lomond flounder —pleuronectes Leviniae.
4 Sole (fish)
Soleidae lèabag-bhuinn AFB sole
Soleidae lèabag-cheàrr AFB sole
Solen muirsgean AFB
Sparidae carbhanach-mara AFB sea bream
Sparidae garbhan AFB sea bream
Sparidae garbhanach AFB sea bream
Spatangoida cadalan-tràghad Dwelly
Sphyrnidae cearban ceann ùird AFB
Spinachia spinachia stangarran-mara AFB sea stickleback
fifteen-spined stickleback
Spinachia spinachia srònachaidh Dwelly sea-stickleback
Squalidae bìogais AFB
Squalidae burraghlas AFB
Squalidae AFB
Squalidae gobag AFB
Squalidae iasg a' choin AFB
Squaliformes dallag AFB any blind or weak-sighted creature, often dogfish, dormouse, leech, mole, shrew, etc
Squaliformes sporan-feannaig Dwelly It is enclosed in a tough, square-shaped sac, which, on development, the ovum can open from the inside. The sac has stringers for attaching itself to seaware, stones &c sm mermaid's purse — egg of the skate or dogfish
Squalius cephalus carrachan Dwelly
Squalus acanthias biorach Dwelly
Squalus acanthias bearach AFB
Squalus acanthias biorach AFB
Squalus acanthias gobag-bhiorach AFB
Squalus acanthias bearach Dwelly
Squalus acanthias gobag Dwelly
Squalus acanthias goibean Dwelly
Squalus acanthias goibin Dwelly
Squatina squatina manach AFB
Squatina cearban-aingil AFB
Squatina sgait-mhanaich AFB monkfish
Stromateidae iasg-ime AFB butterfish
Syngnathidae sìol-ghobach Dwelly sand eel.
2 (DJM) pipefish
Syngnathinae lomarag AFB
Syngnathinae sìol-ghobach AFB
Tetraodontidae iasg-séididh AFB pufferfish
Tetronarce nobiliana
(aka Torpedo nobiliana)
orc-iasg AFB Atlantic torpedo
Tetronarce nobiliana
(aka Torpedo nobiliana)
craimb-iasg Dwelly cramp-fish
Tetronarce nobiliana
(aka Torpedo nobiliana)
gon-iasg Dwelly cramp-fish
Tetronarce nobiliana
(aka Torpedo nobiliana)
orc-iasg Dwelly torpedo
Teuthida strìlleachan AFB
Teuthida stròilleach AFB
Teuthida stròilleag AFB
Thalassoma lunare blath-laoghan na gealaich AFB
Thunnini crà-rionnach Dwelly
Thunnus thynnus reannach-uaine Dwelly blue mackerel
bluefin tuna
Torpedo marmorata craimb-iasg Dwelly cramp-fish
Torpedo marmorata gon-iasg Dwelly cramp-fish
Trachurus trachurus cnàimh-rionnach AFB Atlantic horse mackerel
Trachurus trachurus rionnach an eich AFB Atlantic horse mackerel
Trachurus trachurus rionnach-clabach AFB Atlantic horse mackerel
Trachurus trachurus rionnach-cnàimhe AFB Atlantic horse mackerel
Trachurus trachurus? cnàmh-rionnach Dwelly horse-mackerel
Trigla cnòdan Dwelly gurnet (fish) species of the genus trigla of Linn. (Sots, crooner)
Triglidae cnòdan AFB gurnard
sea robin
Triglidae cnùdan AFB gurnard
Triglidae crùnair AFB gurnard
Triglidae gùirnead AFB sea robin
Triglidae ceann-troman Dwelly gurnet, gurnard (fish)
Triglidae croiteagean Dwelly 2 (AF) gurnet (fish)
Triglidae gabharag Dwelly gurnard
Triglidae gùirnead Dwelly gurnard
Trisopterus luscus sùil-òir AFB bib
pout whiting
Xiphias gladius iasg a' chlaidheimh AFB swordfish
Xiphias gladius lunn-iasg AFB swordfish
Xiphias gladius bior-iasg Dwelly Bait for fishing.
2 Fish with prickles.
4 (AF) swordfish
Xiphias gladius brod-iasg Dwelly needle-fish.
2 swordfish
Xiphias gladius iasg a' chlaidheimh Dwelly swordfish
Xiphias gladius luinn-iasg Dwelly swordfish
Xiphias gladius lunasg Dwelly swordfish
Zeus faber sùil-charbh Dwelly silver haddock
John Dory
Pellonulinae pollag Dwelly 3 gwiniad
schelly (Coregonus laveratus). fresh-water herring, found in lakes in Wales and Cumberland.
4 pollack
lythe (Pollachius pollachius).
5 Whiting (merlangius merlangus).
6 pollan
vendace (Coregonus pollan)