Iubi ( love) in Romanian doesn't come from slavic Lyubi as it lacks L
Three related words all with vowels
Iubi ( love) in Romanian
Iubilare, that gave birth to "jubilation"/ Latin
Yabhia ( love someone carnally, cohabitate) Sanskrit
Three related words all starting with consonant L
Liebe ( love) in German
Liuby ( love) in Slavic
Lubet ( desire), Libido in Latin
Constantine Cristin Quora, user Nestingherit Wiktionary, blocked by xenophobic admin Surjection ( Artur Jan Fijalkowsky)
Chan eil freumh-fhaclachd aig an duilleag seo. An urrainn dhuibh i cur ris?
↑ Faclair Beag Bauer, Mìcheal. Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn. An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly. Dàta air inntrigeadh air 16mh Am Màrt 2020.