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Feumaidh an inntrigeadh seo fiosrachadh fuaimneachaidh. Ma tha thu eòlach air an Aibidil Fhuaim-Eòlach Eadar-nàiseanta (AFE) feuch an cuir thu cuid ris!

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Feumaidh an inntrigeadh seo co-dhiù aon fhaidhle-fuaime. Ma tha microfòn agad, clàraich fear agus luchdaich suas e.

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Riochdair féineach


  1. an dara pearsa iomarra riochdair féineach): sibh fhèin
    • Ladies and Gentlemen, please help yourselves to refreshments.

Riochdair pearsanta


  1. an dara pearsa iomarra riochdair pearsanta, neartail, cùisear cuspair, foirmeil: sibhse
    • What you have accomplished yourselves is remarkable.
    • You yourselves have worked wonders.

Faclan co-cheangailte

Ceanglaichean-lìn leth a-mach

Uicleir Beurla: yourselves
Uicipeid Beurla: yourselves