Wildlife and Countryside Act

O Wiktionary


Ainmear Sònrachaidh

Wildlife and Countryside Act

  1. Achd Fiadh-bheatha agus Dùthcha[1]


Ceanglaichean-lìn leth a-mach

Uicleir Beurla: Wildlife and Countryside Act
Uicipeid Beurla: Wildlife and Countryside Act

Iomraidhean - References[deasaich]

  1. Dualchas nàdair na h-Alba - Dictionary of Gaelic Nature Words Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). 2019. Dàta air inntrigeadh air 7mh Am Faoilleach 2020.
  2. Am Faclair Beag Bauer, Mìcheal. Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn. An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly. Dàta air inntrigeadh air 10mh Am Faoilleach 2020.