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Teamplaid:Iomraidhean do Leasachaidh Còdain Chànain

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From: fios@akerbeltz.org Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 8:22 AM To: Kibi78704 Subject: Re: Hàlo (warning: long-ish)


Akerbeltz writes:
Anyway, because I saw Apaitis, we had to come up with some rules of engagement and they are (from memory) as follows:

  1. Major/Key languages are localized (Cuimris, Eadailtis, Sìnis...), size, known-ness and proximity contribute
  2. languages where English uses the native form or loans from other languages are (if 1 doesn't apply), retained as such e.g. Ainu = Ainu; Jicarilla = Jicarilla
  3. languages where English suffixes, -(a)is and/or -(e)ach as appropriate can be added to the English: Aleut > Aleutais
  4. -ese usually gets Cànan (nam/nan) e.g. Buginese > Cànan nam Bugis

From: Akerbeltz Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2018 2:18 AM To: Kibi78704 Subject: Re: Need a proofreader for language names and their genitives on Uiclair table


Akerbeltz writes:
Btw. Uicleir, no? Caol ri caol?
First comments:

  • based on Austria > Ostair, I would recomment Ostro instead of Astra, that just sounds too much like Latin for star and o in an unstressed position is permissible
  • X-based > stèidhichte air X, there is no grammatical/idiomatic way one can do that with something that comes after
  • tar- causes lentions i.e. tar-Phaputhach
  • Nilo - I'd use Nileo, unstressed -o as I said is ok and changing that to -a in loanwords looks both weird and makes them hard to identify
  • Leth-Oireach there's no common standard but it produces fewer headachs to cap only proper nouns after a hyphen i.e. Innd-Eòrpach because Eòrpach is a PN but Leth-oireach because oireach is a common noun root
  • Wakashan - again with sh there's no ideal solution but certainly medially and finally, retain -sh or it gets weird. One of our rules of thumb is that if it looks too weird with a Gaelic ending, put a hyphen i.e. Wakash-each is a potential candidate if we feel neither Wakasheach nor Wakasach make sense.