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This template creates horizontal lists. Each item in the list may be individually styled with CSS.

Ùsaid - Usage


Basic usage

{{Hlist|first item|second item|third item|...}}

Paramadairean - Parameters


All parameters

|first item|second item|third item|...
|class       = class for div Tag
|style       = style for div Tag
|list_style  = style for ul Tag
|item_style  = style for all li Tags
|item1_style = style for first li Tag
|item2_style = style for second li Tag
|indent      = the number of tabs to indent
  • Positional parameters (1, 2, 3...): these are the list items. If no list items are present, the module will output nothing.
  • class: a custom class for the <div>...</div> tags surrounding the list. Set to inline when using {{Hlist}} inside text.
  • style: a custom CSS style for the <div>...</div> tags surrounding the list, e.g. font-size: 90%;.
  • list_style: a custom CSS style for the <ul>...</ul> tags around the list. The format is the same as for the |style= parameter.
  • item_style: a custom CSS style for all of the list items (the <li>...</li> tags). The format is the same as for the |style= parameter.
  • item1_style, item2_style, item3_style...: custom CSS styles for each of the list items. The format is the same as for the |style= parameter.
  • indent: the number of tabs to indent the list. Default value is 0.

Eisimpleirean - Examples

Markup Renders as
  • entry1
  • entry2
  • entry3
  • entry4
  • entry5
  • entry6
  • entry7
  • entry8
  • entry9

Giant planets ({{Hlist|{{enUici|Jupiter|J}}|{{enUici|Saturn|S}}|{{enUici|Uranus|U}}|{{enUici|Neptune|N}}}}). 
Giant planets ().
Giant planets ({{Hlist|class=inline|{{enUici|Jupiter|J}}|{{enUici|Saturn|S}}|{{enUici|Uranus|U}}|{{enUici|Neptune|N}}}}). 
Giant planets ().
{{Hlist|Winner|Runner-up|Third place|indent=2}} 
  • Winner
  • Runner-up
  • Third place

{{Hlist|Winner|Runner-up|Third place|item_style=color:blue;}} 
  • Winner
  • Runner-up
  • Third place

{{Hlist|Winner|Runner-up|Third place|item1_style=background-color:yellow;|item2_style=background-color:silver;}} 
  • Winner
  • Runner-up
  • Third place

Avoiding Linter errors


{{Hlist}} will produce {{enUici|Wikipedia:Linter|Linter]] errors if placed inside a template that uses <span>...</span> tags, such as {{Small}}, {{Smaller}}, {{Larger}}, etc. To avoid this, use the substitutions from the table below:

Incorrect markup Correct markup
{{Small|{{Hlist|...}}}} {{Hlist|...|style=font-size:85%}}
{{Smaller|{{Hlist|...}}}} {{Hlist|...|style=font-size:90%}}
{{Resize|{{Hlist|...}}}} {{Hlist|...|style=font-size:90%}}
{{Midsize|{{Hlist|...}}}} {{Hlist|...|style=font-size:92%}}
{{Larger|{{Hlist|...}}}} {{Hlist|...|style=font-size:110%}}
{{big|{{Hlist|...}}}} {{Hlist|...|style=font-size:120%}}
{{Large|{{Hlist|...}}}} {{Hlist|...|style=font-size:large}}
{{Huge|{{Hlist|...}}}} {{Hlist|...|style=font-size:180%}}
{{Resize|x%|{{Hlist|...}}}} {{Hlist|...|style=font-size:x%}}
{{Font|size=x%|{{Hlist|...}}}} {{Hlist|...|style=font-size:x%}}
{{Nowrap|{{Hlist|...}}}} {{Hlist|...|style=white-space: nowrap}}

Faic cuideachd - Also see