Teamplaid:*Fuasgladh Dhuilgheadasan

O Wiktionary

Fuasgladh Dhuilgheadasan - Troubleshooting

Please note that we have not generated language templates for all known languages.

A' cruthachadh teamplaidean cànain - Creating language templates

  • Look in Roinn-seòrsa:Teamplaidean Cànain (sic) to find your language template.
    • If your language template is missing, you must create one, or ask someone to create it for you before you can begin working in your language.
      • You may need to consult a list of ISO 639 codes to determine the family lineage for your particular language. At the time of this writing, ISO 639-* lists can be found at:

A' deasachadh teamplaidean cànain - Editing language templates

If your language template is incorrect, you must edit it, or ask someone to edit it for you. However, be very careful, especially with Scottish Gaelic genitives.

  • You may need to consult a list of ISO 639-* codes to determine the family lineage code(s) for your particular language. See the previous section for a list of links. We also consulted Wikipedia language pages, and other sources, to generate the concatenated strings.

A' deasachadh ainm ginideach cànain - Editing the Gaelic genitive language name

If the Gaelic genitive of your specified language name is incorrect or missing, edit your language template. Please note that this will affect every page that uses your language template.

Caveat Deasaiche: A' bhuaidh air roinnean-seòrsa de dheasachadh ainm ginideach cànain - Caveat Editor: The effect on categories of editing the Gaelic genitive language name

Changing the Gaelic genitive noun phrase will empty and delete all categories based on the genitive noun phrase of your language and will remove those categories from any categories to which they belonged. In other words, know both what links to your language template and your language category tree before editing the Gaelic genitive noun phrase in the language template.

  • N.B.: It is far, far easier to edit the category link in every member item item that appears in every category to be renamed before you change the Gaelic genitive noun phrase of your language name. This cannot be stressed strongly enough. Be warned that this may be a very lengthy process.
Duilgheadasan òrdachaidh taobh a-staigh roinnean-seòrsa - Sorting Issues within categories

If you are seeing sorting issues with your language's name, format the embedded category link with a parameter of your language name (e.g., [[Roinn-seòrsa:Faclan a-rèir cànain|Gaidhlig]]). Consider using unaccented characters in your language name parameter to make it sort properly in the category you are creating.

Rabhaidhean deireannach mu dheidhinn deasachadh ainm ginideach cànain - A final word on editing Gaelic genitive language names

  • Don't forget to save the page you have just edited.
  • Verify that all the recategorized items appear in the new category.
  • Verify that your renamed categories appear in all the categories of which they were previous members.