A h-uile loga poblach
Sealladh co-mheasgaichte dhen a h-uile loga aig Wiktionary a tha ri làimh. 'S urrainn dhut an sealladh a chuingeachadh 's tu a' taghadh seòrsa an loga, ainm a' chleachdaiche (le aire do litrichean mòra 's beaga) no an duilleag a tha fo bhuaidh (le aire do litrichean mòra 's beaga).
- 18:46, 23 dhen t-Sultain 2022 Hilario2823 deasbaireachd mùthaidhean created page Cleachdaiche:Hilario2823 (Chaidh duilleag le "You've seen a [http://escorthatti.org/author/damion36g25/ free sex video] porn tube before, right? Otherwise, welcome to the Net! Our porn tube obtained the same standard arrangement as the rest of the tubes. The majority of the front page is dominated by thumbnails from porno movies. The default sight features the extremely most recent product on the site first. The search bar says they have actually got more than 75k videos." a chruthachadh)
- 18:46, 23 dhen t-Sultain 2022 Chaidh cunntas a' chleachdaiche Hilario2823 deasbaireachd mùthaidhean a chruthachadh