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Ùsaid - Usage


Different smilies can be made using parameters. For instance, {{Smiley|sad}} produces Teamplaid:P. The default (no parameter) is a simple smile.

The size of the smiley can be changed using the |size= parameter. For example, {{Smiley|size=15px}} produces Teamplaid:P, which is a little smaller than the default. If |size= is not specified, the default size is 18px.

The default title text, shown as a tooltop when hovering over the smiley, can be changed using |title=. For example {{Smiley|title=I'm happy}} produces . This parameter will be over-written if an invalid size parameter is specified.

The full list of smilies is as follows. Some are duplicates — for instance, the value 10 or any of the words cry, crying, or tears will produce Teamplaid:P.

Smiley Code Redirects Image
{{Smiley|smile}} 1 smile :) :-) {{(-:}}, {{(:}}, {{-)}}, {{=)}} Face-smile.svg
{{Smiley|sad}} 2 frown sad :( :-( {{):}}, {{=(}}, {{frown}} Face-sad.svg
{{Smiley|wink}} 3 wink ;) ;-) {{wink}}, {{;)}} Face-wink.svg
{{Smiley|blush}} 4 blush :$ :-$ {{blush}} Face-blush.svg
{{Smiley|grin}} 5 grin :D :-D {{=D}} Face-grin.svg
{{Smiley|surprise}} 6 surprise :O :-O Face-surprise.svg
{{Smiley|tongue}} 7 tongue :P :-P {{=P}} Face-tongue.svg
{{Smiley}} 8 confused %) %-) {{=S}} Face-confused.svg
{{Smiley|shade}} 9 shades shade 8) 8-) {{shades}} Emblem-cool.svg
{{Smiley|cry}} 10 crying tears cry :'( :'-( {{)':}} Cry.png
{{Smiley|lightbulb}} 11 lightbulb idea Lightbulb.png
{{Smiley|wink2}} 12 wink2 Smile_eye.png
{{Smiley|wink3}} 13 wink3 Wink.png
{{Smiley|big-grin}} 14 big-grin biggrin Face-grin.svg
{{Smiley|devil-grin}} 15 devil-grin devil evil Face-devil-grin.svg
{{Smiley|kiss}} 16 kiss Face-kiss.svg
{{Smiley|smirk}} 17 smirk Face-smile-big.svg
{{Smiley|big-cry}} 18 big-cry bigcry sob Face-crying.svg
{{Smiley|glasses}} 19 glasses nerd Face-glasses.svg
{{Smiley|angel}} 20 angel 0:) 0:-) Face-angel.svg
{{Smiley|ttth}} 21 ttth Face-hand.svg
{{Smiley|awesome}} 22 awesome {{awesome}} 718smiley.svg
{{Smiley|vsmile}} 23 vsmile Emoticon_=v=.svg
{{Smiley|24}}Faidhle:Don't panic.svg 24 dontpanic dp Don't panic.svg (deleted)
{{Smiley|teeth}} 25 teeth Teeth.png
{{Smiley|angry}} 26 angry Face-angry red.png
{{Smiley|raspberry}} 27 raspberry Ras.gif
{{Smiley|very-confused}} 28 very-confused Confused.png
{{Smiley|sarcastic}} 29 sarcastic Sarcastic.gif
{{Smiley|kitty}} 30 kitty {{kitty}} Kitty emoji.png
{{Smiley|plain}} 31 plain {{meh}} Face-plain.svg
{{Smiley|christmas}} 32 holidays Face-smile-christmas.svg

Ath-stiùireadhan - Redirects


Teamplaid-dàta - TemplateData

This is the WP:TemplateData documentation for this template used by WP:VisualEditor and other tools; see the monthly parameter usage report for this template.

TemplateData for Smiley

Add an emoticon.

Paramadairean na teamplaide[Stiùirich an TemplateData]


The face you want to put. See [[Template:Smiley/doc]] for acceptable input values.


Size of the smiley.

Titletitle desc

Optional user-defined tooltip description, to replace the default title (Warning: this parameter is over-written if an invalid size parameter is specified).

Smiling Face, Sad Face, etc...

Faic cuideachd - Also see