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Roinn-seòrsa:Teamplaidean Co-ghnìomhairean

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Teamplaidean Co-ghnìomhairean - Adverb templates

Ainmean Seòrsachan Co-ghnìomhairean – Names of Types of Adverbs
Ainm Gàidhlig[1] English Name
abairt cho-ghnìomhaireil adverbial phrase
gu co-ghnìomhaireil adverbially
mion-fhacal co-ghnìomhaireil adverbial particle
tha co-ghnìomhaireil ri thuigsinn sa ghleus seo the construction has an understood adverbial
co-ghnìomhair co-dhàimheach correlative adverb
co-ghnìomhair coimeasach comparative adverb
co-ghnìomhair dòighe[2] adverb of manner
co-ghnìomhair gluasaid adverb of motion
co-ghnìomhair iom-shuidhichte circumstantial adverb
co-ghnìomhair rèitheil durational adverb
co-ghnìomhair seantansach sentential adverb
co-ghnìomhair stad adverb of rest
co-ghnìomhair suimeach summative adverb
co-ghnìomhair tìmeil[2] temporal adverb
co-ghnìomhaireil fho-naisgeil subjunct adverbial
co-ghnìomhaireil ionaid adverbial of place
co-ghnìomhaireil thìmeil temporal adverbial
ann; co-ghnìomhair ‘ann’ where
às; co-ghnìomhair ‘às’ whence
thuige; co-ghnìomhair ‘thuige’ whither
  1. luchdadh a-nuas Briathrachas Cànanach - Faclair le Roy Wentworth (PDF) no Briathrachas Cànanach - Faclair le Roy Wentworth Wentworth, Roy. Briathrachas Cànanach: Liosta Bhriathrachais Beurla gu Gàidhlig agus Clàr-amais Gàidhlig gu Beurla. Linguistic Vocabulary: English to Gaelic Terminology List and Gaelic to English Index. Am Faoilleach 2003. Faighte cothrom air dàta 14mh An Dùbhlachd 2019.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Am Faclair Beag Bauer, Mìcheal. Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn. An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly. Faighte cothrom air dàta 14mh An Dùbhlachd 2019.

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